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Biosphere reserve of
Commune of Fakarava


The Fakarava Municipality Biosphere Reserve is located in French Polynesia, in the Tuamotu Archipelago, 360 kilometres northeast of Tahiti Island.
It is formed by 7 low islands of coral or atoll origin: Aratika, Fakarava, Kauehi, Niau, Raraka, Taiaro, and Toau. These atolls are very different from each other in size, shape, openness to the ocean, population and activities. Its character is unique: there are small closed lagoons such as those of Taiaro and Niau, the former being over-salted while the latter is brackish. And large lagoons open to the ocean such as Fakarava, which has the largest pass in French Polynesia 1,600 metres wide.

Coral formations, marine phanerogamous meadows, "kopara" ponds, primary forests in "puatea" (Pisonia grandis), coconut groves, and other plant formations characteristic of the atolls of French Polynesia, offer a great diversity of landscapes.
The fauna and flora are remarkable, with rare, protected and endemic species. Let us mention the kingfisher or "koteuteu" (Todiramphus gambieri niauensis), an animal species that is strictly endemic to the Niau atoll.
The cultural heritage is also rich, containing many archaeological remains such as marae, ancient culture pits or maita, legends, etc. 
By joining a recognised international network, the municipality and the inhabitants of Fakarava commune wish to have the importance they attach to the preservation and enhancement of their rich natural and cultural heritage, inherited from their ancestor, acknowledged. They also undertake to promote the sustainable development of the islands, in particular tourism and the exploitation of the natural resources on which they depend.

carte du territoire

Contact :

Mairie de la commune de Fakarava :


Tel : (+689) 40 93 40 40

Bureau annexe Fakarava :



Tel : (+689) 40 50 93 20

B.P 1721-98713 PAPEETE 

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