In this page

The Members of the MAB France Association

The association brings together individuals and legal entities. The person designated by the Ministry in charge of Foreign Affairs, which represents France on the International Coordinating Council, Didier BABIN, is an ex officio member. People involved in the programme (scientists,...) also belong to the association.


Research and Academic Institutions

  • CNRS
  • (French National Centre for Scientific Research)
  • INRA ( French national Institute for Agricultural Reserch)
  • MNHN (National Museum for Natural Hystory
  • Cirad(Agricultural Research for Development)
  • IFREMER National Institute for Ocean Science
  • IRD French national Institute for sustainable development

Supporting bodies of Biosphere Reserves

National Parks, Regional Nature Parks, mixed syndicates


Other associations, companies, researchers ans stakeholders, anyone interested in the Man and Biosphere programme... that share our values

Our partners

Biodiversity management and cooperation bodies support our actions:
The French Biodiversity Agency, AFB- is the main support that has accompanied MAB France since its creation. Financial support and support for actions that meet the objectives of the AFB.
The Ministries of National Education formerly and the Miniqtry of Research and Higher Education support actions related to education for sustainable development.